academic work

Chris is currently engaged in research with one of the world’s leading psychologists, Carol Dweck,  Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University known for her work on the mindset psychological trait. They are conducting research with Silicon Valley start ups.

His continued work as an Associate Director of The NeuroLeadership Institute, allow Chris access to the worlds leading neuroscientists and cutting edge thinking around change, the mind and the brain.

academic references

I have known Christopher in an academic fashion for over eight years. I had the privilege of lecturing him on his MSc. in Applied Positive Psychology, as well as supervising his final thesis. Christopher has continued to contribute to the MSc. program and is one of a select few who act as a guest lecturer on our “Foundations of Positive Psychology” module. The feedback from Christopher’s lectures has been overwhelmingly positive, and we have secured him for further dates. Christopher is also working on publishing his MSc. thesis with both me and Dr. Joan Painter, which shows his determination, dedication and passion for the area. Overall, I highly recommend Christopher and support the furthering of his academic career. Your institution will benefit greatly from having him on board.

Dr. Kate Hefferon, CPsychol Programme Leader MSc Applied Positive Psychology UEL

As an academic, myself, I have always been pleased to see that Chris’ obvious consultancy success is underpinned by sound theory and research. This has been evidenced to me in the content of his training programmes and talks, and the clear esteem in which he is held by his academic colleagues around the world, including people such as Philip Zimbardo of Stanford University, with whom he collaborates. Chris also just earned a Master’s degree in Positive Psychology. This is clearly a terrific accomplishment, in itself, but even more so given his busy consultancy schedule. It further shows me the importance that Chris places in his continuous professional development, and, in particular, his desire to stay current with academic trends in his area of work.

In conclusion, I can heartily recommend Chris to you as a first-class trainer, coach, and development professional. I have no doubt that he will continue to teach and inspire both students and workers in the years to come.

 Professor Frank W. Bond, PhD, Director, Institute of Management Studies, Goldsmiths University

"Through my role as lecturer in positive psychology at the Danish Institute for Studies Abroad we met with Chris Samsa to hear about the synthesis of neuroscience, leadership and positive psychology. The visit with Chris proved to be the highlight of our tour. Not only did Chris display a very detailed and nuanced understanding of the field he also engaged the group of students in a way they really appreciated. Chris’ expert understanding of the field gave us academic rigour and his powerful teaching style the boost needed to engage in the topic and retain the insights he provided. Upon returning to Denmark the students evaluated the trip and these were two of the comments provided by students. ”The visit with Chris was my favourite on the trip – he was totally engaging and very insightful” ”When I hear we were hearing about neuroscience for two hours I thought – what a bore – however upon meeting Chris and his energetic style I found the topic very engaging and extremely helpful to learn about positive psychology in another light.” 

Mads Bab - BA Political Science and MA in Positive Psychology

Chris created a day full of insights, fun and learning for a very challenging and knowledgeable audience of professional colleagues. He has a way of simply explaining complex concepts around neuroscience, with practical demonstrations of how that really works such that even ‘non scientists’ appreciate the value and relevance. He brings his positive psychology, engaging personality and strong communication skills to bear, supporting these through multimedia clips/breakouts and high levels of interaction.

I would not hesitate to ask him to run another workshop for us and look forward to working with him again.

Danielle Grant PCC Director
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy Hon. Lecturer at the University of Chester
